About Inklings

Inklings Arts & Letters is a magazine of visual art and creative writing by and for Miami University students. Since 1991, we’ve been fascinated by the experimental, authentic, offbeat, and sincere. Our mission is to publish work that pushes formal boundaries and reflects the diversity of this campus’ vibrant creative community. We accept poetry, prose, creative nonfiction, photography, painting, sculpture, digital design, and every amalgam in between.


Inklings not only offers experience working on a large-scale publishing project but brings together a community of strange and wonderful creatives. Whether a staff member, a contributor, or an attendee, we’re delighted to bump elbows with you!

Meet Our Staff


Co-Editor in Chief

Chelsea Hoy

Chelsea considers herself an expert in all things Florence Pugh movies. In a past life, she was probably a court jester (but she was definitely executed by the royal court). When not enjoying an iced chai at Kofenya, Chelsea can be found at local rummage sales and thrift stores looking for strange-looking objects to adopt. 

Chelsea (she/her) is a senior from Grove City, OH majoring in Creative writing, literature, and women's, gender, and sexuality studies with minors in theatre arts and film studies.

Co-Editor in Chief

Eleanor Prytherch

An increasing number of Eleanor's possessions are the same shade of green and that's okay. She is currently rewatching Doctor Who and finding it to be very healing for the 12-year-old within.

Eleanor (she/her) is a senior from Oxford, Ohio majoring in English literature and creative writing with a history minor.

Art Director

Deanna Hay

Deanna is happiest with her friends by her side, or a camera in her hand, or a kitty on her chest.

Deanna (she/her) is a senior from North Canton, Ohio majoring in International Studies and Media and Culture with minors in French and studio art.

Writing Director

Annah Hahn

Annah's self-restraint has hit an all-time low. Half the things they own are from their summer trip to Korea. They have two new (badass) tattoos. They've been ripping off their t-shirt sleeves to show off said tattoos. and now they mostly spend their days trying (and failing) to not get cookie crumble frappes every chance they get. 

Annah (they/he) is a senior from Kent, Ohio majoring in creative writing and literature with minors in women and gender studies and rhetoric.

Business Manager

Wren Whitehead

Wren absolutely loathes unnecessary over-analysis, unless she is the one doing the over-analyzing. She has a habit of falling into Wikipedia rabbit holes only to emerge hours later with no memory of what she read.

Wren is a senior from West Chester, Ohio majoring in creative writing, professional writing majors, minoring in dance and ETBD.

Outreach and Social Chair

Jonathan Fanshaw

 Jonathan once wanted to be an astronaut, to see the stars up close and touch the moons ethereal surface. Unfortunately, he gets easily motion sick, so he took up writing instead. At least this way, the moon also has yearly cheese festivals in his writing.

Jonathan (he/him) is a senior from Maryland majoring in Creative Writing with minors in Professional Writing and Games + Simulations.

Social Media Manager

Ava Shaffer

Ava is a Diane Seuss enthusiast, tarot card reader, charcuterie board extraordinaire, and film bro in a cool feminist way. She enjoys pickleball, poetry, and Pride and Prejudice (2005). She has an extremely well-organized Notion page, a color-coordinated Google Calendar, and multiple spreadsheets about every book she has ever read. 

Ava (she/her) is a senior from Medina, Ohio majoring in Creative Writing and English Education.

Editorial Staff

Max Kaufman

Max has been, for a while now, burying himself in an illusion where he is a jazz pianist with full knowledge of how to properly employ upper extensions. Also, he is still left-handed.

Max (he/him) is a sophomore from (Riverwoods, Illinois majoring in Creative Writing and Theater.

Editorial Staff

Nya Hodge

Nya recently became a football fanatic by accident. You will find her catching up on the Steeler's highlights after enjoying Fiona Apple's discography with a good book. 

Nya (she/they) is a sophomore from Columbus, Ohio majoring in Creative Writing, History, and Journalism.

Editorial Staff

Riley Courtney

Riley has recently grown attached to the electric kettle her roommate got over the summer. If you go to an event with her and there is any physical memorabilia, it is likely to get taped in her journal or on her wall. The two facts aren't related. She also really loves ambiance videos on YouTube and colorful index cards.

Riley (she/her) is a sophomore from Cincinnati, Ohio majoring in creative writing and literature with a minor in women, gender, and sexuality studies

Editorial Staff

Lorna Wodzak

When Lorna isn't pondering the economy, tending to her digital cat, thinking about her girlfriend, or running into the dark void of the morning, she probably sits around and wonders why she isn’t doing any of those things. This Libra sun, box-dyed ginger, Duolingo fiend is stoked to join the Inklings editorial staff and looks forward to a lovely year.

Lorna (she/her) is a sophomore from Cleveland, Ohio majoring in Business Economics.

Editorial Staff

Lucy Enneking

Lucy genuinely believes that she will be able to read every book, watch every movie, and listen to all music. Do not tell her that this is an unattainable goal. No it's not. 

Lucy (she/her) is a freshman from West Chester, Ohio majoring in Nutrition.

Editorial Staff

Emma Estridge

 Emma collects vinyl records, typewriters, and erasers shaped like animals. You can find her buried in books at the public library. This is her first rodeo. 

Emma (she/her) is a freshman from Ross, Ohio majoring in Creative Writing and Professional Writing with a Spanish Minor.

Editorial Staff

Isaiah Serra

Isaiah is a massive fan of writing silly little poems about silly little things. They will not be elaborating on that.

Isaiah (they/them) is a freshman from Laurelville, Ohio majoring in Theatre and Creative Writing.

Editorial Staff

Lindsay Lehman

Lindsay is a vinyl-collecting, forest-wandering, poetry-writing fanatic who enjoys a peaceful mid-summer's day rain and the scenes in romance movies where the lovers run towards each other and embrace after being apart for what felt like forever. She spends her days romanticizing her summer internship as a camp counselor and online shopping for every item under the sun and she hopes to befriend as many humans as possible so she has an infinite amount of muse’s for her art and poetry.

Lindsay (she/her) is a freshman from Powell, Ohio majoring in Psychology with a minor in Neuroscience.